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It’s a dizzying experience that will likely remain throughout the rest of our journey—only getting worse as we step forward into the strange little cabin that sits before us. You see, this otherwise unimpressive platform apparently has the bizarre capability to visibly stretch and compress the body. In fact, if you and I were to stand on this platform together, one of us would appear to be several inches shorter while the other one would seem to have grown in height. As many of you know, I do my very best to approach each topic that I cover with an analytical, yet open mind.
Is Visiting the House of Mystery in Montana Worth It?
And the way nature takes care of it is to direct it where the energy rotates in a circular fashion. Consider the shape of tornadoes or whirlpools to gain a visual understanding on what is happening with the electromagnetic energy. Nearly all of the visitors to the Montana Mystery House agree that it’s a harmless diversion.
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Other features of the Montana Vortex are areas where people seemingly grow or shrink depending on where they stand within the energy field. After learning about a similar phenomenon in Oregon called the Oregon Vortex, they decided to develop the area into an attraction to allow others to experience the same sensations. They are the ones who built the leaning house to enhance the experience. Many visitors say they’ve experienced the most powerful swirls of energy at a Sedona site called Boynton Canyon.
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After all, Joe and Tammy Hauser are very open about their experiences and actively go out of their way to ensure that their guests—skeptical or otherwise—go home as believers. If you’ve made it to this point in the episode, surely you can see why I’m having trouble wrapping my head around this haunt. I mean, the activity at Montana’s vortex varies wildly, and as far as documentation goes, there is very little evidence that’s publicly available. This creature seems to appear at random only to disappear moments later, almost as if it is somehow slipping into and out of our physical reality at will. And if what the Hausers say is true, it’s all thanks to those portal-like vortexes that are scattered about the property. I mean what better way to determine the validity of these claims than to experience and document them ourselves?
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This unique attraction is open seasonally from 10 am to 5 pm Wednesdays through Mondays. Admission rates are $12 per adult, $8 per child (6-12), and free for children ages 0 to 5. Supposedly, there is a paranormal vortex, or rather a series of paranormal vortexes, hiding in the woods approximately 13 miles away from Glacier’s west entrance. Described as being a quantum gravitational anomaly, this vortex is said to have a strange effect on the land as well as those who visit it. Once you enter the Montana Vortex and House of Mystery, you will feel yourself enter into a ‘portal,’ changing the energy and gravitational pull in the area. Your perspective will change, gravity will no longer affect you in the same way, and you will experience the unique sensation first-hand.
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There is nothing new about people recognizing something unique about these natural energy fields. There are a number of vortexes throughout the country, notably in Sedona, Ariz., where people often gravitate to when on a personal, usually spiritual, journey. A vortex is where visitors feel a strong force of energy, perhaps spiritual, that enhances meditation, healing, and even critical thinking.
It’s bound to leave you disoriented, whether you’re a skeptic or not. Even non-believers have reported being dizzy, woozy, or swept with an unusual energy during their visits. Each visit to the Montana Vortex includes a guided tour of the best sites plus extra self-guided time around the grounds. " There's a lot of evidence in quantum physics that these portals do exist," said Joe, " that we do have multiple dimensions." No matter how tall or short they are, the person standing down field will appear to be taller and the person they face will be shorter.
Wreck of the Steamship Helena – Bigfork, Montana - Atlas Obscura
Wreck of the Steamship Helena – Bigfork, Montana.
Posted: Mon, 04 Jan 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Montana Vortex and House of Mystery may redefine laws of physics

The Montana Vortex is a genuine quantum or gravitational anomaly that defies the laws of physics and nature. This internationally famous sacred site is located just thirteen miles west of Glacier National Park, and has been mystifying and exciting visitors for forty four years. The famous "House of Mystery" is a crooked shack that sits right in the center of our smallest and most dynamic vortex. Made up of three vortexes that overlap each other, the Montana Vortex is a hotbed of activity.
The Vortex is located 2 miles east of Columbia Falls on highway US-2. There are loads of dining and accommodation choices in Columbia Falls (Check Rates and Availability). If you put the palm of your hand against the bark of one of the trees you may feel a warmth or a coolness. Joe places a level on the ground to show that everything is level. Zachary Passieri's experience is similar as he swings a chained weight that's plum with the field. The House of Mystery was built to enhance the most dramatic aspects of the smallest vortex here.
Another strong contender is a nearby location called the Chapel of the Holy Cross Vortex. Though there’s no solid scientific evidence in favor of vortexes, many people believe in them — and have for centuries. They say they feel rejuvenated and sometimes inspired after spending time in a vortex.
In fact, most of the photos I came across were wholesome shots of family vacations—no blurry images of Bigfoot or over-saturated pictures of spirit orbs in sight. That said, there is at least some photo evidence that I think is worth bringing to your attention. Moving back outside, the location as a whole is known for its own bizarre happenings--particularly when it comes to crypto-zoology. For example, Joe and Tammy claim to have encountered a Bigfoot-like creature on several occasions since buying the attraction. Somewhere nestled within this grove of spiraled trees, there is yet another platform.
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